Ukrainian Drones and Robotics at the American Helicopter Educational Center: Experience of Futurology in the USA

June 24, 2024
Ukrainian Drones and Robotics at the American Helicopter Educational Center: Experience of Futurology in the USA
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On Saturday, June 22, 2024, Futurology participated in the educational festival FamilyFest held at the American Helicopter Museum and Educational Center in Pennsylvania, USA. This educational and entertaining event for adults and youth became a crucial step in showcasing our expertise in unmanned technologies, expanding this field in both Ukrainian and international markets, and fostering connections between the two countries. We are proud to have been part of this exciting event, where we demonstrated Ukrainian experience and presented the latest achievements in unmanned technologies.

“The event was a fantastic demonstration of new technologies for aviation industry workers and their families, as well as for the younger generation just beginning to choose their future paths. It was an opportunity to exchange experiences and gain knowledge from senior industry representatives.Engineers and engineering education are the foundation of the future. Robotics and the potential to introduce new professions that save work resources, make tasks more efficient, and use less human time for the same tasks represent the direction of the future. The event highlighted that everything happening around us aims at increasing efficiency: production efficiency and the efficiency of entire industry sectors. STEM has become a critical area of education for every country, and in the United States, the significant attention given to this field of study was evident. Engineering as a field of development is one of the most critical when it comes to future professions”, - noted Valerіі Іakovenko, CEO and managing partner of Futurology.


The presentation of the two companies—Ukrainian and American—highlighted the level of interest in Ukrainian products in the United States. Over the past two and a half years, Ukraine has achieved the seemingly impossible by creating its own industry for manufacturing robotic devices, systems, and a whole ecosystem of modern robotics from scratch. Despite the traditionally high level of Ukrainian engineers and education, practical approaches have allowed the creation of finished products and their distribution in millions of units. This attracts admiration from people, potential partners, and those observing the gained experience. The number of inquiries about the possibility of relocating or transferring this experience, which already works to protect Ukraine, to be applied not only within Ukraine but also in Europe, indicates significant interest. This will help reduce dependency on imported component bases and create new opportunities for cooperation in building production chains, testing, and adapting technologies that have already spread worldwide and first appeared in Ukraine.

The product lines presented at this exhibition covered two main directions. The first is the distribution and integration of high-tech solutions that make various industries more efficient, including the distribution of Ukrainian products. The second, extremely important direction is the construction of production chains and the search for localization opportunities for the component base so that other industry representatives can use locally produced components made in America, designed in Ukraine. Both directions had success today.


“Participating in such events is an element of technological diplomacy. When engineers and entrepreneurs become promoters of Ukraine on the global stage, they show the world that Ukraine is not just a market experiencing difficult times and overcoming stress, but also a country with great potential in mastering new technologies. The speed at which Ukrainian engineers, entrepreneurs, and the state as a whole adapt is an example for the entire world. By taking a path that other countries take decades to complete in just a few months, Ukraine demonstrates unique opportunities to expand its capabilities and form partnerships. Partnerships are extremely important because, despite having a high-quality human potential and creativity in creating new products, Ukraine needs financial support and access to certain technological solutions available from partners. This is about mutual exchange of experience, technologies, and solutions”, - CEO and Managing Partner of Futurology concluded.

The event took place at a venue that is also an educational center. Educational institutions are among the most important stakeholders in business development in the United States. Many initiatives arise from cooperation with academic institutions and educational initiatives. Most innovations that emerge and spread through the U.S. economy result from academic collaboration.


Cooperation between Ukraine and the USA, utilizing the base of educational programs and locations, will allow faster dissemination of innovations, promote the formation of more qualitative connections, and help find the most important partners through educational initiatives. Adapting new technologies begins with education, and education starts with educational institutions and students.

This fall, we plan to conduct several educational programs, particularly regarding the use of robotics in agriculture and various drones and unmanned systems. This will help convey that the profession of an engineer is the profession of the future and that it is not as complex as it seems, and that absolutely anyone can pursue this direction regardless of age, gender, or previous experience.

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